Changes in the use of cookies. Complies with regulations

Changes in the use of cookies. Complies with regulations


The Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) has implemented new mandatory measures for the use of cookies. In this article we inform you about the modifications to be made as administrator on your website and more information to take into account.

We will not proceed to detail the new regulations, as you know the General Data Protection Regulation is mandatory. To have a global idea of ​​the changes in cookies , we give you the points that you should take into account in broad strokes:

  • The AEPD has reinforced the measures in its 2020 Guide to Cookies . Every website should be adapted to October 31, 2020 .
  • The AEPD says that it is allowed to use cookies as long as it responds to transparency principles and mandatory consent established by this new regulation.
  • It is no longer valid the & ldquo; continue browsing & rdquo; as a tacit way of obtaining consent.
  • The new update on the use of cookies dictates that access to the services and functions of a website should not be limited exclusively to the acceptance of the cookie policy.
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Failure to comply with the regulations on the use of cookies entails penalties by the Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD). It all depends on the severity of the violation:

  • Very serious offenses: between 150,001 and 600,000 euros
  • Serious offenses: between 30,001 and 150,000 euros
  • Minor offenses: up to 30,000 euros.
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From Webforever we have adapted our CMS to the new regulations, we remind you that it is your obligation to adapt / configure your website to the new regulations . At webforever we do not make adaptations to data protection, we only create a tool for this purpose.

Going into the matter, let's see what new functions we have incorporated into our CMS. Keep in mind that our CMS only uses technical cookies . And it is the inclusions of third-party code (scripts) that can add cookies of all kinds to our website, as a typical example that we all have:
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  • Google Analytics
  • Google YouTube
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Both tools use cookies and to load them to the user's browser, their consent is required. Therefore we have created a third-party scripts management system which we catalog and load based on the cookie selection made by the user. We cannot load these scripts until the user has accepted their upload.

Changes in the use of cookies. Complies with the regulations

In the initial data option we have added the Header tab, here We have moved the field from & nbsp; Additional instructions for the header tag as it is related to the new changes.

In this field we add third-party scripts that generate cookies, we can no longer do it, since it will be loaded yes or yes regardless of whether the user accepts the use of cookies or not. Any script that does not generate only technical cookies must be moved to the new system. To do this, click on the button & ldquo; Manage third-party cookies & rdquo ;.
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Changes in the use of cookies. Complies with the regulations

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The management window opens. Here We will add each third-party script by categorizing it. Cookies are divided into these types:

  • Necessary : They are necessary for the operation of our website and cannot be deactivated.
  • Performance : They provide statistical information on our website. They are used to measure and improve performance.
  • Functional : They improve functionality and allow customization, such as design, dark mode, colors, etc.
  • Advertising : They are established on our site by advertising partners / providers.

You have to know what type of cookies generated by your third-party script, if not, you should check with your provider. & nbsp;
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Changes in the use of cookies. Complies with the regulations


In this GIF we see how to add script, it is very simple, just copy and paste. Be concise and explicit in the information field . It is a brief explanation so that the user knows what handles the script to load if so accept it. In the example we add the most used third-party script: Google Analytics .

Changes in the use of cookies. Complies with the regulations

We also have to change / review the text that the warning user reads, for this we go to the LOPD or RGPD tab depending on your version of the CMS. We edit the text to notify cookies, we recommend consulting with your advisor on this matter. A typical example text could be this:

We use cookies. We may use them to analyze our visitor data, to improve our website, display personalized content, and provide you with a great website experience. To get more information about the cookies we use, open the settings.


If your website only uses technical cookies, this would be another valid text, it has been extracted from the official website of the AEPD:

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This web portal only uses its own cookies for technical purposes, it does not collect or transfer data from personal character of users without their knowledge.
However, it contains links to third-party websites with privacy policies other than that of the AEPD that you may be able to do. decide whether or not to accept when accessing them.

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How does the user interact with my website now?

We have simplified it as much as possible, now navigators will see this window:

Changes in the use of cookies. Complies with the regulations

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You have access to the privacy policy and three buttons that act as follows:

  • Reject : Save a technical cookie rejecting all the use of cookies except technical ones, the window is not shown again.
  • Accept : Save a technical cookie accepting the use of all types of cookies, the window is not shown again.
  • Adjust : Opens a form where the user can choose what Cookies can be used, accepting closes and hides the window. This form can be placed in the footer of each page or any other site by adding the gall_ajustar class in any HTML tag, click here; to test

Changes in the use of cookies. Complies with the regulations

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This would be the form, from which you can see the cookie policy and also have access to the privacy policy. Everything simple and accessible. You may have had many doubts, consult your data protection advisor or ask us any questions, we will try to help you to the best of our ability.

Webforever is a content manager (CMS) developed in Spain and offered as a monthly payment without permanence service (SAAS). With it, you can elaborate a website with many modules to grow your business.

It also has a online store module complete (e-commerce) distributed with the name and which is integrated in the same tool.

It also has online billing software called Gestió and it is also integrated into the CMS, all from the same tool, all linked.

Do you need a website, online store, or collect invoices or estimates through the mobile? Speak with us. Monthly payment without permanence.






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Cookies policy Privacy Policy

We use cookies

We use cookies. We may use them to analyze our visitor data, to improve our website, display personalized content, and provide you with a great website experience. To find out more about the cookies we use, open the settings.